How to Compose Introduction Section of a Research Paper
The introduction section of a research paper takes in three elements – background, a research gap and your research strategies to fill the gap. Introduction section will give an overview to readers about a research problem, background, hypotheses, logical argument, writing style and novelty of your research work. An organised introduction will give a preview in advance to your readers which research gap has been fulfilled. Here are the steps you should follow to compose introduction section of a research paper. Start with the fact that is widely known When it comes to writing an introduction for your research paper, you should start with a scientific statement that is substantially accepted, and then lay down statements that lead your audience from known to unknown facts. To pick a sentence that is widely known to readers, first, you should consider the audience of your journal in which you want to have your manuscript published. For instance, you are writing on a topic “The attitude of US girls toward physical education in particular and physical activity in general”, the first statement of your introduction will be as follows: “Traditional sporting structures in the United States have been denounced as inappropriate for the needs of many girls and young women.” (the fact that is widely known to people) Pose a question Following a chain of known facts, you will take your reader to the specific area, the area that highlights a research problem or research gap by posing a question which will be answered in your conclusion. Inform your readers that the answer is currently unknown by citing a literature reference closest to the gap. Provide sufficient resources so that your readers can observe the research gap into the literature that you will fill through your research. For instance, suppose you found issues such as layoffs and deteriorating school conditions that restrict school teachers to enhance students’ progress, the question that you will pose in the introduction can be: “These issues raise a question that unbearable pressure on teachers will not produce the desired outcomes, but rather devastate our education system.” Jump to your plan of action Wind up the introduction section as you have stated research problem and briefly explained how you would fill the gap. Your plan of action will describe methods and materials in detail. However, in the introduction section, you will explain the summary of ways how you achieve your goal of fulfilling the gap. An introduction can catch the interest of the reader, while it ca also disinterest him and urge to shut reading the research instantly. So pay utmost attention while writing the introduction section of your research paper.
Read MoreAre Online Proofreading Tools Worth It?
Proofreading is an essential part of content writing and report submission. Oftentimes, it is an elephant task for the author to proofread his or her own work, because he might skip the mistakes in his own writing. Also, it is time consuming and tedious. In such situations, it is best to use a third party for proof reading your work. There are several proof reading tools available online. Some of them are free also. But are they really worth considering and can guarantee error free content? 1. Only trials available for free Most online software will only provide for free trials which will expire in a week or after proof-reading some of your articles. They prod you to subscribe for their yearly or monthly plans post that. 2. No contextual guidance These online tools do not offer any contextual guidance and often miss out mistakes which you might have made in context. They only look for spelling errors. 3. Stand corrected Sometimes even if your spellings are fine and correct, they may point it out as erroneous. This usually happens because they are programmed and are pre set for such words or grammar. This leads to waste of time. All in all, the online proof reading tools might be beneficial but they do not give you any guarantee of contextual guidance and can lead to time wastage pointing on correct words as erroneous. It is always better to hire a proof reader or proof reading service, since they can easily detect the context and will give you corrections only for contextual spelling errors and grammar mistakes. Also, if you are going to pay for the online software; it is much safer and trustworthy to use that money to hire a proof-reading service instead.
Read MoreEasy Application of Harvard Writing Styles for Your Dissertation
Getting your dissertation done the Harvard way might sound interesting, but is not easy. The Harvard style is by far the most professional of academic writing style, but is also the most complicated and easy to mess up style. You might have collected a world of research data, but if you cannot present it well, there is no way in which your University’s academic board is going to accept it. Formatting a dissertation for colleges in the UK takes extra effort, due to the strict requirements that are in place for every academic paper that is turned in. Acknowledging your work is done best the Harvard way, and in view of this, it is vital that you follow the standards set out for this type of paper. Used primarily for technical and scientific report writing, this standard sets your work apart from the rest of the world, and places it much above at par with the academic arena. Considering the weight that your dissertation will have once it is completed in this format, it is vital that you understand the requirements and implement it in the right manner. It is ok if you need help for your thesis writing. If you are new at using the Harvard style for your dissertation, you can get the help of the professionals at Dissertation Editing UK. With much experience individually and as a team, you can get all the assistance you require in compiling your research material into easy to understand formats, and further presenting it in the Harvard way. There is no longer any need for you to worry as to whether you paper will get accepted or not. You are assured best quality work not just for increased acceptance chances of your hard work, but also academic excellence when you choose to get professional guidance on how to get your dissertation done in one of the most excelling academic formats in the world!
Read MoreTrust comes with the guarantee
One of the most important works of our life is our dissertation. At times, we take help from service providers too. But how should we make sure that the work is accurate, to the point and proper. In UK, there are many service providers who come up with 100% guarantee of plagiarism free work, plus they also take guarantee of complete satisfaction of their services. If we are sorrowful or displeased for any reason, we can also contact them by email or phone, and it is seen that that the issues will be resolved immediately. They also take money back guarantee, or free credit for next paper or document if we are not satisfied.
Read MoreGetting Your Dissertation In Harvard Style
In recent times, the academic requirements for turning in dissertations have changes and the norms have become more rigid. With a growing number of Universities choosing the Harvard style of writing as the basis for their research papers, you need to extra sure that the work you turn in meets these style rules. One way in which your dissertation can meet Harvard styles perfectly is to use the assistance of the professionals at Dissertation Editing UK to review and edit your work. They will help you implement this style on a regular dissertation and do all that is needed to get your paper turned into perfection.
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